Jaw tumors and cysts are uncommon growths or lesions that develop either within the jawbone or the soft tissues surrounding the mouth and face. These growths, categorized as odontogenic or nonodontogenic depending on their origin, can vary significantly in size and severity. While typically noncancerous (benign), they have the potential to be aggressive, causing displacement or destruction of surrounding bone, tissue, and teeth.

Treatment approaches for jaw tumors and cysts vary based on factors such as the type of growth, its stage, and the individual's symptoms. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons typically address these conditions through surgical intervention, sometimes complemented by medical therapy.

Different types of jaw cysts and tumors
  • Ameloblastoma: A rare benign tumor often originating near the molars, which can grow aggressively into the jawbone. Surgical treatment is typically effective, although recurrence is possible.
  • Central giant cell granuloma: Benign lesions arising from bone cells, with some types exhibiting rapid growth and bone destruction. Surgical intervention is often necessary, as these lesions may recur.
  • Dentigerous cyst: Originating from tissue surrounding a tooth before eruption, commonly affecting wisdom teeth. Surgical removal is usually required.
  • Odontogenic keratocyst: Known for its tendency to recur after surgical treatment, often developing near third molars. Surgical intervention is necessary for management.
  • Odontogenic myxoma: A rare, slow-growing tumor that can aggressively invade surrounding tissue. Surgical treatment is typical, although recurrence is possible.
  • Odontoma: The most common odontogenic tumor, often asymptomatic but may interfere with tooth development. Surgical removal may be necessary.

Other types of cysts and tumors may also affect the jaw, each requiring specific treatment approaches.

When to visit doctor

If concerned about symptoms suggestive of a jaw tumor or cyst, individuals should consult their primary care provider or dentist. These conditions are often detected incidentally during routine screening X-rays. Referral to a specialist for diagnosis and treatment is typically warranted upon suspicion or diagnosis.

The causes of jaw tumors and cysts vary, with odontogenic types originating from cells and tissues involved in tooth development. Some may be associated with genetic mutations or syndromes, such as nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, which predisposes individuals to multiple odontogenic keratocysts among other manifestations.


Radhika Kewalramani

Best clinic for kids. Highly recommended. Took my 10month old baby for his first dental visit. He had teething issues and since we were on a short trip from dubai, my friend suggested to meet dr Revathi for quick check up. And Dr Revathi is such a sweet angel, couldn't have asked for a better pediatric dentist. My son had lots of fun, and she checked him while playing with him. No pain, no screams,,, only smiles. We are in awe of Dr Revathi and highly recommend her.

Eedara Tejaswini

I have visited Dr Revathi for my child dental issues. He is 4.5 years old and he has not cooperated for treatment. But still Dr Revathi with lot of patience treated him. She did root canal for him and I will recommend Dr Revathi for any kind of kids dental issues


I had visited Dentitia multispeciality dental clinic to get my teeth implants done, I had pleasant experience with the team and am very happy with the outcome, previously I used to fear a lot listening to the friends, they said screws inside the mouth would be painful but after getting implants inside the mouth, I feel very comfortable to chew my food now, I highly recommend Dentitia clinic for teeth implants.


I had fractured tooth which was RCT treated and was covered with the crown, then my freind suggested dr revathi and I met the doctor and was very convinced with her explanation and the treatment plan, she explained the cause and consequences and removed the fractured tooth and suggested implant for the missing tooth, I travelled from kanakpura to HSR to get my tooth implant and itā€™s all worth it, I sincerely thank dr revathi and her team and highly recommend them.

Tejaswini Saunshi

It was great experience to get treatment from Dr. Revathi! It was very hygienic n clean set up overall, I liked the volume of care provided in the clinic. My kids too loved it! We had a hassle free treatment experience with kids šŸ˜Š.

Padam Agrawal

Dr.Revathi one of the best doctor. She handle kids very nicely, and gives best treatment. Perfectly did root canal for my son šŸ‘ Highly recommend!!! ā€¦

Archana M

I have been visiting Dr Revathy for my dental issues since few years... Finest dental procedures are done here with utmost care. I recommend the doctoršŸ‘

Siddharth Jain

Very good centre- keeps constant follow ups and is well equipped. Dr. Revathi is extremely patient and reassuring and Dr. Kaustubh (surgeon) is very skilled and quick. Overall great first dental experience, would definitely recommend.

rupali athawale

Best dental clinic in Pimpri having lovely ambience and a team of skilled doctors. Dr Pallavi and Dr Avishkar both are expertise in their respective fields. Do visit if you have any dental issues, dental trauma, or nerve/ brain related issues. Highly Recommended!

Deepthi Dandu

I visited Dentitia multispeciality dental clinic to correct my teeth alignment. I was provided variety of treatment options from Dr Revathi ,wherein I couldn't select the appropriate treatment so I was consulted by orthodontist of Dentitia team and she suggested Invisalign, I spontaneously opted it and started the orthodontic treatment. Thanks to Dentitia team for introducing me with Invisalign which retained my confidence in smile

jeevanm aws

"Dr. Revathi at Dentitia Dental Clinic is fantastic! Gentle cleaning, seamless filling, and great emphasis on educating on your current and upcoming tooth issues. They don't just fix your teeth; they teach you how to keep them healthy. A visit here is more than a checkup" Highly Recommended !!

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In order to prevent dental problems, your child should see a pediatric dentist when the first tooth appears, or no later than his/her first birthday.

Primary, or "baby," teeth are important for many reasons. Not only do they help children speak clearly and chew naturally, they also aid in forming a path that permanent teeth can follow when they are ready to erupt.

Thumb and pacifier sucking habits will generally only become a problem if they go on for a very long period of time. Most children stop these habits on their own, but if they are still sucking their thumbs or fingers past the age of three, a mouth appliance may be recommended by your pediatric dentist..

Cosmetic dentistry is one or more dental treatments that enhance the appearance of your teeth.
It could include:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Porcelain veneers
  • Dental bonding
  • Invisalign
  • Dental implants
  • Smile makeovers
  • And more!
  • These cosmetic procedures can be combined to reach yourĀ smileĀ goals.
  • Laser dentistry is a branch of dentistry that uses lasers to address several oral health conditions that patients have. Dentists who use this method must train to use specialized lasering tools instead of shots and drills. Moreover, they use lasers to detect cavities, fix gum problems, eliminate decay from a tooth, perform oral surgery, treat snoring, and remove fibroma.

    Instead of cutting tissue, using shots for anesthesia, drills to cut away the tooth, and using bulky machines to prevent snoring, dentists can use lasers to address oral health issues. In addition, laser dentistry offers more benefits than traditional methods. It is an excellent alternative for patients who want a quicker recovery and a better experience at the dentistā€™sĀ office.

    At Dentitia we choose laser dentistry because it offers some pretty unique and amazing advantages over more traditional approaches. After all, our goal is to provide our patients with a comfort treatment each and every time. Here are some of the benefits of laser dentistry:

    • A faster healing time
    • Less post-surgical bleeding
    • Less pain
    • Anesthesia may not be necessary
    • Lasers are sterile, which means there is less chance for an infection
    • Lasers are extremely precise, so less healthy tissue has to be removed
    • Less likely to need stitches with laser treatment

    Humans are ā€œblessedā€ with 2 sets of teeth (baby teeth and adult/permanent teeth). When a single permanent tooth or multiple teeth are lost due to dental decay or gum disease, dental implants can now replace them as the 3rd set of fixed teeth! Dental implants can last a lifetime and can improve your appearance, your confidence, and your ability to eat the foods you like, and participate in an active lifestyle, without worrying about your teeth. Dental implants are made of titanium and can never getĀ dentalĀ decay!

    All-on-4Ā® is a trademarked treatment procedure that essentially involves replacement of all missing teeth in one jaw by using only 4 implants. This procedure is especially beneficial in patients who have lost a lot of bone in the back areasĀ ofĀ theĀ mouth.

    The HydraFacial is an effective skin rejuvenation option for those who do not want the downtime that is usually associated with laser treatments. You will be able to see results instantly after your HydraFacial, leaving you with clean, glowing skin.

    Botox is used for a variety of things but is most often used to lessen the signs of aging. If you're in your 20s, 30s or older, you've probably started to notice those less-than-desirable facial wrinkles almost everyone has. Years of smiling, frowning and even laughing can cause creases in our faces and beyond, so if you don't like what you see, Botox might be a good option for you.

    These lines in your forehead, crow's feet around your eyes, bunny lines all stop actually happening. It basically turns back the clock and time.